Lisa Vaas has more on a privacy concern raised by Tonia Ries about Klout creating profiles on children. I mentioned the concern a few days ago and tweeted a message to @klout asking them for a response to the allegations, but @Klout did not reply to me. They did, however, send a tweet to Tonia…
Category: Breaches
China amends law to increase punishment for leaking personal info
China’s site today indicates that an amendment strengthening personal data protection and increasing penalties for leaks or breaches (discussed on Xinhuanet yesterday) has been adopted: China’s top legislature on Saturday adopted an amendment to the Resident Identity Card Law in a bid to better protect residents’ personal information in identity cards. The Standing Committee of the National…
Is Klout Using Our Family to Violate Our Privacy?
Okay, this is disturbing. Danny Brown explains how even if you don’t authorize Klout to create a profile on you, Klout may be doing exactly that and linking it to your Facebook profile if you have one. And not only that, it’s doing this to kids: He isn’t on Twitter, and he’s not super active…
UK: MPs call for tougher personal data abuse laws
Courts should have the power to jail people who breach the Data Protection Act, MPs on the justice select committee have said. They say fines – usually about £150 per breach – are an “inadequate” deterrent when the financial rewards can be considerable. Their report also warns the information commissioner lacks the powers to fully…