Lucian Constantin reports: Facebook Gifts, the new social gifting service launched by Facebook on Thursday, might encourage users to expose information like their home addresses, birth date, clothing or shoe size that could pose security and privacy risks, according to security experts. Facebook used to have a Gift Shop application that allowed users to send…
Category: Business
EPIC FOIA Uncovers Google’s Privacy Assessment for Consent Order Compliance
From EPIC: Through a Freedom of Information Act request to the Federal Trade Commission, EPIC has obtained Google’s initial privacy assessment. The assessment was required by a settlementbetween Google and the FTC that followed from a 2010 complaint filed by EPIC over Google Buzz. The FTC has withheld from public disclosure information about the audit process, procedures to assess…
Do Not Track arrives for mobile apps, courtesy of Apple and Google (really)
Jim Brock writes: Google’s ad network for mobile apps, Admob, released their new development tools for the latest Apple mobile operating system, iOS6. This is the kit that mobile application developers use to integrate AdMob advertising into their iPhone and iPad apps. In the new specification Google has adopted Apple’s new functionality for “Identifier for…
U.S. Is Tightening Web Privacy Rule to Shield Young
Natasha Singer reports that the FTC’s proposal to strengthen COPPA is drawing a mixed reaction. The proposed changes could greatly increase the need for children’s sites to obtain parental permission for some practices that are now popular — like using cookies to track users’ activities around the Web over time. Marketers argue that the rule…