I would love to be a fly on the wall at Facebook if even 1/10 of their users all submitted such requests in the same time period: According to European data protection law every individual has the right to get a copy of all personal data a company holds about him (right to access). This…
Category: Business
Fr: CNIL Cites French Yellow Pages Operator for Illegal Use of Social Media Data
Winston Maxwell writes: France’s Data Protection Authority, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) announced on September 23, 2011 that it had found the French provider of universal telephone directory services, “Pages Jaunes,” guilty of violating several provisions of the French data protection law. The CNIL did not fine Pages Jaunes, but published a detailed warning, listing each…
Federal Legislation Introduced Regarding Geolocation Information
Daren M. Orzechowski, Allison M. Dodd, Imtiaz Yakub write: The collection, use and disclosure of geolocation information obtained from customers’ mobile devices has become commonplace among mobile phone providers and third party application developers. Geolocation information identifies the location of the individual using the device and is often used to provide location based information, advertisements…
EC veep jumps gun on net privacy law
Brid-Aine Parnell reports: The vice-president of the European Commission has withdrawn a rather extensive statement on cookies and the EU Data Protection Directive sent out last week “without authorisation”. Out-Law.com, the legal news site, had written a story last week using the statement from Viviane Reding, where she said that companies needed prior consent to…