Street View has raised privacy concerns wherever it has launched but the UK’s privacy regulator the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has said that Google’s privacy protections are good enough to protect people’s privacy. A committee of all 27 EU member states’ privacy regulators, the Article 29 Working Party, has asked Google to ensure, though, that…
Category: Business
Tagged e-mails grab your address book
As a child, the main point of playing tag was to avoid being tagged. Many people are learning lately that the same thing applies to, a social networking Web site that has made the experience of being tagged anything but fun. The site has been around since 2004 and boasts 70 million members to…
AU: iiNet ordered to hand over customer records
Internet service provider iiNet has been ordered by Australia’s Federal Court to hand over a sample of twenty customer records, to be used as evidence in a landmark copyright case. At the close of the directions motions hearing today, both iiNet and film industry group AFACT (The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft) could lay claim…
Breach Data-Sharing Site Started
The risk management technology company Intersections Inc. and the Identity Theft Assistance Center were expected to unveil today, a Web site where companies that have suffered a data breach can share their experiences. Since data breaches often catch companies unprepared, the flow of information about the incidents tends to be slow, which can aggravate…