Elyse Ashburn reports on a federal court order that because FERPA does not prohibit the University of Illinois from disclosing educational records of students, the university must disclose them in response to a FOIA request by the Chicago Tribune. I had blogged about the case earlier today. The judge’s analysis seemed to be that because…
Category: Court
Federal judge claims FERPA doesn’t specifically prohibit release of records? Say what?!
Antonio Olivo reports a decision that has me hoping that the University of Illinois appeals: A federal judge has ruled that the University of Illinios is not barred from releasing the names and other information about hundreds of college applicants who appeared on an internal list of well-connected students, part of a legal dispute between…
Their Own Private Hell
Dahlia Lithwick writes about the recent Supreme Court decision in Snyder v. Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church First Amendment case: Neither Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion in the case nor Justice Samuel Alito’s angry lone dissent, adds much to existing doctrine or precedent. What makes both opinions interesting is what they leave out. The…
EPIC to Argue for Suspension of Airport Body Scanner Program in the DC Court of Appeals
From the good folks at EPIC: On March 10, 2011, EPIC President Marc Rotenberg will present arguments against the TSA body scanner program before the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. EPIC has said that body scanners are “invasive, unlawful, and ineffective,” and that the TSA’s deployment of the devices for primary…