The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against three agencies of the Department of Justice (DOJ) today, demanding records about problems or limitations that hamper electronic surveillance and potentially justify or undermine the Administration’s new calls for expanded surveillance powers. The issue has been in the headlines for more than a month, kicked off by…
Category: Court
Barrichello wins lawsuit against Google
The Associated Press reports: A judge has ordered Google Brasil to pay $118,000 to Formula One’s Rubens Barrichello for failing to remove from the social-networking site fake profiles that mocked the Brazilian driver. The judge says Google took too long to remove the profiles after being notified by Barrichello. The decision by a tribunal court…
Ca: Man hacked into girls’ computers to videotape them
Sue Montgomery reports on a case where some people are probably wishing there could be a death penalty: Daniel Lesiewicz used his computer savvy to hack into young girls’ computers, pose as someone they knew, then convince them to undress in front of their webcams. If they didn’t continue with his game, he threatened to…
Article: The Puzzle of Brandeis, Privacy, and Speech
Neil Richards has an article, “The Puzzle of Brandeis, Privacy, and Speech” in the Vanderbilt Law Review (2010). Here’s the abstract: Most courts and scholarship assume that privacy and free speech are always in conflict, even though each of these traditions can be traced back to writings by Louis D. Brandeis—his 1890 Harvard Law Review article The Right…