Eric Chabrow reports: As the federal government readies the third iteration of Einstein, privacy concerns over the intrusion detection system were voiced at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. Philip Reitinger, Department of Homeland Security deputy undersecretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate, told the Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland…
Category: Featured News
Lawsuit: Use of rival’s name as keyword invades privacy
Dinesh Ramde of Associated Press reports on a lawsuit in Wisconsin that makes an intriguing legal argument. The law firm of Habush, Habush, & Rottier is suing rival law firm Cannon & Dunphy for buying the words “Habush” and “Rottier” from Google for keywords. Habush argues that by purchasing the keywords, a sponsored link for…
Newspaper editor snitches on a commenter
An online editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has generated a lot of criticism for snitching about vulgar online comments to the commenter’s employer. Jacqui Cheng writes on Ars Technica: Internet commenters aren’t generally known for their eloquence and impeccable manners. Still, people’s tasteless little one-offs are relatively harmless most of the time—until the comment…
UK Health Department to Require Snooping Into Private Homes
If Croydon council’s placement of CCTV cameras inside private homes to monitor unsuspecting people outside on the street creeps you out, read on, because your UK home is no longer your castle and government intrusiveness is running amok… Joe Wolverton, II reports: Just when they thought they could not be under more surveillance or monitored…