Hunton Andrews Kurth writes: Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) published a white paper entitled “Promoting Public Safety, Privacy, and the Rule of Law Around the World: The Purpose and Impact of the CLOUD Act” (“White Paper”). The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act (the “CLOUD Act”) was enacted in March…
Category: Govt
Over 200,000 Danish passports issued with fingerprint error
Well, there are lots of reasons to be concerned about the government collecting and storing biometric data, but here’s a reason I hadn’t considered before: what if they mix up left and right? From The Local: An information storage error related to the passports’ fingerprinting is the source of the issue, local media Frederiksborg Amts…
Facebook fights to “shield Zuckerberg” from punishment in US privacy probe
How many “unintentional” breaches can Facebook have before people start holding Zuckerberg himself responsible or accountable? In case you missed the latest episode of Facebook’s privacy violations, read this Business Insider story by Rob Price from this week for more background: Facebook says it ‘unintentionally uploaded’ 1.5 million people’s email contacts without their consent. Jon…
Senator Markey Introduces Comprehensive Privacy Legislation
Washington (April 12, 2019) –Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, today introduced comprehensive federal privacy legislation to protect American consumers’ personal information. The legislation comes in the wake of a series of revelations about myriad companies sharing consumers’ personal information without their consent, as well as…