Phil Fairbanks reports: When the FBI uncovered a scammer targeting Wegmans two years ago, agents hacked into the suspect’s computer in an effort to learn his identity. The hacking, approved by a judge, involved an email and attachment that, when opened, connected the suspect’s computer to an FBI server. A new lawsuit in Buffalo federal…
Category: Govt
Issues for the revitalized Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Over on Papers, Please!, Edward Hasbrouck offers some suggested priorities for the newly reformed PCLOB: Conversion of state licensing of motor vehicle operators into a national ID system. Mass surveillance and permission-based predictive control of movement and travel. Suspicionless dragnet administrative searches. Read Ed’s arguments on Papers, Please!
Indian government to intercept, monitor, and decrypt citizens’ computers
Joe Cadillic had sent me a link to this story back on December 22nd, and it was so disturbing that I put it aside to see if the government would refute it or say, “Hey, we just had a brief psychotic break here, but we’re rescinding this all and it’s all good now.” But they…
How’s My Driving?
Ugh. My friend, who evaluates people who may be impaired drivers, made me aware that there’s a site where you can look up license plates and find out how many tickets and violations the vehicle might have associated with it. From But note that this lookup is not confined to New York license plates….