Grant Gross reports: Google’s refusal to implement the EU’s controversial right to be forgotten rules in the U.S. amounts to an unfair and deceptive business practice, a frequent critic of the search engine giant said. Consumer Watchdog will file a complaint against Google with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission Tuesday, said John Simpson, director of…
Category: Govt
Senator Paul Sues Obama IRS Over Privacy-killing Pseudo-treaties
Alex Newman writes: Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and the group Republicans Overseas Action are planning a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service, the latest effort to stop a deeply controversial scheme known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) that turns constitutional privacy protections upside down. Represented by a leading constitutional…
US Treasury Aggregates Posts to Social Media
Treasury Public Engagement Pages AGENCY: Departmental Offices, Treasury ACTION: Notice and request for comment. SUMMARY: The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is issuing this notice to inform the public and solicit comments about a new method it is using to collect information and opinions posted on social media platforms. Relying on Treasury-generated “hashtags” and other social media identifiers,… database stirs privacy worries
Michael Hardy reports: The government stores personal information on millions of Americans who have used the system, a situation which is raising privacy concerns as the recent successful attack that compromised Office of Personnel Management data makes plain the damage that hackers can do. Called the Multidimensional Insurance Data Analytics System, or MIDAS, the…