Tim Cushing writes: In the wake of the Snowden leaks, more and more tech companies are providing their users with transparency reports that detail (to the extent they’re allowed) government requests for user data. Amazon — home to vast amounts of cloud storage — isn’t one of them. Amazon remains the only US internet giant in the Fortune…
Category: Govt
US threatened Germany over Snowden – Vice Chancellor
Glenn Greenwald writes: Sigmar Gabriel claims U.S. officials said they would withhold reports of terror plots against Germans if Berlin offered asylum to the NSA whistleblower. This is not the first time the U.S. has purportedly threatened an allied government to withhold intelligence as punishment. Read more on The Intercept.
EPIC Files Comments with FTC on Merger Review and Consumer Privacy
From EPIC.org: EPIC, along with 26 technical experts and legal scholars, has submitted extensive comments for the FTC’s review of the merger remedy process. EPIC urged the Commission to consider the privacy risks to consumers that result from the merger of big data firms. The comments detailed EPIC’s efforts, over 15 years, to warn the FTC about such…
FTC Approves Final Order In TRUSTe Privacy Case
After a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has approved a final order resolving the Commission’s complaint against TRUSTe, Inc. for deceiving consumers about its privacy seal program. The settlement was first announced in November 2014. In its complaint, the FTC alleged that TRUSTe failed to conduct promised annual recertifications of companies participating in its privacy…