IAPP reports: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced Verizon has agreed to settle with the agency and pay $7.4 million for failing to notify approximately two million customers of their privacy rights. Read more on IAPP and do see the related documents on FCC’s site, here.
Category: Govt
AU: Law Reform Commission seeks right to sue for victims of privacy violations
Paul Farrell reports: Victims of misuses of private information and intrusions into private space in Australia should have a right to sue for violations of privacy, a major report from the Australian Law Reform Commission says. In a report released on Wednesday the commission recommended the federal government should introduce a right to sue for major…
CA: Campos suspends effort to extend social media privacy to government workers
Joe Rodriguez reports: After success passing a law that bars private employers from demanding social media passwords from employees and job applicants, San Jose Assemblywoman Nora Campos has suspended efforts to extend those protections to government workers. “We have decided to the park the bill for the year,” Campos spokesman Steve Harmon said this week….
DOT Proposes Mandating Cars Broadcast Location, Direction and Speed
Terence P. Jeffrey reports: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, part of the Department of Transportation, published last week an ” advanced notice of proposed rulemaking on “vehicle-to-vehicle communications.” What NHTSA is proposing could begin a transformation in the American transportation system that makes our lives better and freer — or gives government more power…