Orin Kerr writes: A few weeks ago, I wrote a long post on a very interesting case, now pending before Chief Judge Preska in the Southern District of New York, on what privacy protection extends to e-mails stored by a U.S. provider on a server outside the U.S. The government has since filed its brief (available here)…
Category: Govt
President Barack Obama to issue executive order on drone privacy
Erin Mershon and Kevin Robillard report: President Barack Obama plans to issue an executive order to develop privacy guidelines for commercial drones operating in U.S. airspace, POLITICO has learned. The order would put the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, an arm of the Commerce Department, in charge of developing the guidelines. Read more on Politico.
Ars editor learns feds have his old IP addresses, full credit card numbers
Cyrus Farivar writes: In May 2014, I reported on my efforts to learn what the feds know about me whenever I enter and exit the country. In particular, I wanted my Passenger Name Records (PNR), data created by airlines, hotels, and cruise ships whenever travel is booked. But instead of providing what I had requested, the United States Customs…
NSA Responds To Snowden Claim That Intercepted Nude Pics ‘Routinely’ Passed Around By Employees
Kashmir Hill reports: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden continues to shock with disclosures about government surveillance a full year after he first went public. Previous reports based on documents leaked by Snowden have said that sexy images get captured during the course of mass surveillance. In a video interview with the Guardian published Thursday, Snowden said it was not unusual…