Chief constables across England and Wales have been told to ignore a landmark ruling by the European court of human rights and carry on adding the DNA profiles of tens of thousands of innocent people to a national DNA database. Senior police officers have also been “strongly advised” that it is “vitally important” that they…
Category: Govt
Home Office denies ID card hack claims
As a follow-up to the story about the new UK national ID card being cloned in 12 minutes, what does the UK Home Office have to say? According to this story in IT Pro: A spokesperson from the Home Office said: “This story is rubbish. We are satisfied the personal data on the chip cannot…
WH healthcare campaign raises data privacy worries
The White House raised the spectre of “Big Brother” this week after a blog entry asked supporters to report “fishy” information they receive regarding the debate on healthcare reform by forwarding emails to [email protected]: There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of…
Regulators rethink approach to online privacy
Regulators are rethinking their approach to online privacy and security, asking academics, public interest groups and industry to suggest ways to overhaul rules to better protect consumers. As part of the review, David Vladeck, the Federal Trade Commission’s new head of consumer protection, is considering whether to throw out current privacy protections that revolve around…