Kristof Van Quathem and Anna Oberschelp de Meneses of Covington & Burling write: On July 12, 2019, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”) issued a joint opinion on the processing of patient data and the role of the European Commission within the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (“eHDSI”). […]…
Category: Healthcare
Employees Sue Yale Over Wellness Program
Kenneth Terrell of the AARP reports: As many as 5,400 workers at Yale University were forced to either share their private medical information with their employer or pay an expensive fine, according to a class action lawsuit AARP Foundation filed today on their behalf. The lawsuit argues that by charging some employees $1,300 annually —…
Alexa Now Gives U.K. Users N.H.S. Medical Advice
Iliana Magra reports: “Alexa, how do I treat a migraine?” When British users ask Amazon’s voice assistant system for medical advice, it can respond as of Wednesday with the authority of an organization once described as “the closest thing the English have to a religion”: the country’s National Health Service. The collaboration, described by Britain’s…
Square Faces Lawsuit Over Misfired Medical Receipt
Peter Rudegeair reports: A California man accused Square Inc. of violating privacy laws after the payments company mistakenly forwarded a digital receipt containing details of his medical history to one of his friends. A. Trent Ruark, a resident of San Diego County, paid a bill in early May at a health-care provider that used a…