Susan Crabtree reports: The Obama administration is standing firm in its support of several George W. Bush-era Patriot Act powers in the face of sharp criticism from civil rights groups, liberal Democrats and a Dec. 31 deadline to extend key provisions of the bill. The Justice Department recently reiterated its request for Congress to extend…
Category: Laws
Leaders set to include ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal in defense authorization bill
Eric Zimmermann reports: Democratic leaders plan to repeal the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in next year’s defense authorization bill. Both the White House and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) back the strategy of using the defense bill to change policy on gays in the military, an aide to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) told The…
UK: Government confirms post-election plans to track public comms
Jennifer Scott reports: The government has confirmed plans that will see all phone calls, text messages, emails and visits to websites by members of the public held in a database for one year, but not until after the general election. Dubbed as a “Big Brother” or snooping scheme by critics, the Intercept Modernisation Programme will…
Consent will be required for cookies in Europe
An editorial at written by Struan Robertson, editor: The fate of Europe’s cookie law became improbably entwined with a debate over file-sharing. To cut a long story short, it broke free. On 26th October, it was voted through by the Council of the EU. It cannot be stopped and awaits only the rubber-stamp formalities…