One of the bills that Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law amends California’s law on the privacy of student records. The purpose of the amendments was to align permissible disclosures with federal law (FERPA). You can read the text of the new amendments here.
Category: Laws
E-Mail Privacy Reform Vote Postponed Until After Elections
David Kravets reports: A Senate committee on Thursday delayed until after the November elections whether to approve sweeping digital privacy protections requiring the government, for the first time, to get a probable-cause warrant to obtain e-mail and other content stored in the cloud. The move by the Senate Judiciary Committee to table considering the first…
Senators prepare to vote on Netflix and e-mail privacy
Declan McCullagh reports that a Senate committee will be considering a bill today that updates both the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) and the Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA). The strategy of combining updates to both is puzzling some privacy advocates, who support Senator Leahy’s attempt to set a warrant standard for law enforcement to…
Federal court considers if California’s mandatory DNA sample law violates arrestees’ rights
Paul Elias of Associated Press reports on today’s 9th Circuit hearing on DNA collection from arrestees: A California deputy attorney general, defending a state law requiring everyone arrested for a felony to provide a genetic sample, endured tough questioning Wednesday from members of an 11-judge federal appeals court panel. At least three of the 9th…