From their press release: Leopold~Kuvin, P.A.filed a class action lawsuit (Case# 9:11-cv-81292-KLR) in the Southern District Court of Florida today against Best Buy Corporation for violating the Drivers’ Privacy Protection Act or “DPPA”, a federal statute that protects the privacy of personal information assembled by State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs). The lawsuit alleges Best…
Category: Laws
EDITORIAL: SOPA Act harms Internet freedoms
By The Oklahoma Daily Editorial Board, The Oklahoma Daily: The Stop Online Piracy Act, a bill currently being debated before the House Judiciary Committee, would drastically expand the power of government to regulate and censor the Internet. It represents a serious and immediate threat to citzens. If this bill passes, your access to sites like…
Do-not-track hypocrisy
Jeff Jarvis takes the New York Times to task for its editorial supporting a federal Do Not Track measure while their own behavior might be described as Extreme Tracking. You can read his column on Business Insider, here.
Ca: NDP privacy critic warns about impending e-monitoring law
Martin C. Barry reports: The NDP is sounding the alarm over a proposed new electronic communications monitoring law, which could end up giving police the power to track the geographical movements of people, while possibly also allowing them to freely scrutinize e-mail, without first having a warrant. Charlie Angus, the party’s MP for Timmins-James Bay…