EPIC.org writes: Today Netflix announced that it has launched a DC lobbbying campaign against a federal privacy law that protects customer video rental information. The company, which is already under fire for dramatic hikes in the subscription price of its once popular DVD rental program, now claims that the privacy law prevents Facebook users from posting information…
Category: Laws
Privacy Win: Apple and Dropbox Join Fight to Reform Electronic Privacy Law
Kevin Bankston of EFF writes: In April we launched “Who Has Your Back”, a campaign calling on major Internet companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft to stand with their users when it comes to government demands for users’ data. Today, we’re pleased to see that two of the thirteen companies highlighted in our petition, Apple and Dropbox,…
Standing to Challenge Wiretap Law Divides Circuit
Mark Hamblett provides some context for split decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit over challenges to amendments made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in the FISA Amendments Act (FAA). As I noted yesterday, the court’s denial of an en banc hearing on the government’s appeal allows the case…
Group urges U.S. to require warrants for location-based tracking
Jaikumar Vijayan reports: Law enforcement officials should be required to obtain a warrant based on probable cause before using GPS or other electronic location tracking to follow individuals, a bi-partisan group said in a report released today. The 13-page report released by The Constitution Project’s Liberty and Security Committee also calls on Congress to amend the Electronic Communications Privacy…