John Hillvert reports: Telstra has sought an 18-month exemption from proposed laws that would require telcos to preserve data on persons suspected of serious crimes. Although “generally supportive” of the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill, spokesman James Shaw said Telstra had “serious concerns” about the lack of time to be afforded to telcos to transition to…
Category: Laws
Congress out to spy on your ‘puter
Julian Sanchez (@normative) strips away some of the b.s. masking a proposed federal law: If Congress had to name laws honestly, it would be called the “Forcing Your Internet Provider to Spy On You Just In Case You’re a Criminal Act of 2011” — a costly, invasive mandate that even the co-author of the Patriot…
NL: Hefty fines to deter privacy breaches
People and companies who violate privacy rules are to get hefty fines under new legislation that is likely to come into force this fall, says the head of the Dutch Data Protection Authority DPA. The fines could range from 25,000 euros for individuals to several million euros for large companies, Jacob Kohnstamm told newspaper AD….
Privacy law in Bermuda
Allan Doughty writes: … Although Bermuda does not yet afford the same privacy protections that are available in the UK, Bermuda’s Telecommunications Act is broad enough to safeguard certain aspects of a person’s privacy, particularly with regards to “hacking” into computer systems and voice mail. There are also Common Law protections in place which recognise…