Jacqui Cheng reports: Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) has introduced a new “Do Not Track” bill to Congress that aims to hold companies accountable for collecting information on consumers after they’ve expressed a desire to opt out. Called the Do-Not-Track Online Act of 2011 (PDF), the bill would create a “universal legal obligation” for companies to honor…
Category: Laws
NZ: Row brewing over privacy ‘crime’
Claire Rogers reports: A row is brewing over whether businesses should face criminal sanctions and fines if they fail to notify people of data breaches. The privacy commissioner is calling for notification of data breaches to be mandatory and for concealment to be made a crime. But Business New Zealand says criminal penalties would be…
Google, Facebook: “do not track” bill a threat to California economy
Matthew Lasar reports: Google and Facebook are warning legislators of dire consequences if California passes a “do not track” bill. The proposed law would require companies doing online business in the Golden State to offer an “opt-out” privacy mechanism for consumers. Senate Bill 761 “would create an unnecessary, unenforceable and unconstitutional regulatory burden on Internet commerce,” says…
Bipartisan ‘Do Not Track Kids’ Bill Released Today; Sen. Rockefeller to introduce ‘Do Not Track Adults’ bill on Monday
Steve Stecklow reports: A draft House bill with bipartisan support would prohibit companies from tracking children on the Internet without parental consent, restrict online marketing to minors and require an “Eraser Button” that would allow parents to eliminate kids’ personal information already online. The draft of the “Do Not Track Kids Act of 2011“—released by…