Increased financial penalties will come into force later this month as part of amendments to the UK’s Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). Data protection watchdog the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO will also be given greater investigatory and auditory powers). The changes to PECR will allow the ICO to fine businesses and other organisations for…
Category: Laws
“Do Not Track” Is California Dreamin’
Gabriel Perna reports: The State of California is looking to set a precedent with a “Do Not Track” bill, which its creators say could influence federal legislation of a similar nature. The bill in California would give people the right to opt out of being tracked online. It would give consumers a way to send…
Do We Need a Privacy ‘Bill of Rights’ Even if It’s Inadequate? Senate Considers One
Leslie Harris of CDT tries to make the case for the Kerry-McCain bill in an op-ed. Most consumer privacy organizations have come out with strong concerns about the proposed bill, but CDT takes the position that it’s the best we’ve seen in a while and take what we can get. I’m of the school of…
Europe Leads in Pushing for Privacy of User Data
James Kanter reports: As pressure grows for technology companies like Apple and Google to adjust how their phones and devices gather data, Europe seems to be where the new rules are being determined. […] To address concerns about data protection, Viviane Reding, the European justice commissioner, said in a speech Tuesday that she would propose…