Fidelis Angela Tan reports: A recent online poll on the website of the Philippine Congress shows a certain degree of approval for House Bill 1472 or the proposed “Personal Privacy Protection Act of 2010.” “The Constitution provides guarantees to all citizens, private or public, so they can live a meaningful life under a democratic society where…
Category: Laws
Recent Privacy Law Developments in Latin America
Although I try to keep up with privacy news around the world, my limited language skills mean I miss a lot unless some kind soul contacts me or helps me translate items. One of the areas this site has been weakest in concerns privacy developments in Latin America, so I was pleased to find this…
Privacy Laws In India Urgently Required
Pritesh writes: Indian government never thought that its indifference towards privacy laws, data security laws and data protection laws would become its headache. With controversies like illegal phone tapping, imposition of Aadhar project, launch of projects like national intelligence grid (Natgrid) and crime and criminal tracking network and systems (CCTNS) without any procedural safeguards, etc…
PIPEDA Review II: Private Right of Action?
Michael Power comments on the UK’s Protection of Freedoms proposal as a comparison framework for discussing what else might be usefully included in Canadian protections: […] If the UK wants to enable citizens to directly protect their privacy where CCTV is concerned — by making an application for judicial review — why shouldn’t we do…