Employers who send jobseekers’ personal identifying information overseas would have to notify potential employees in advance under a bill the state Senate approved. Sen. Rod Wright says job applicants can be open to identity theft when sensitive information is sent overseas to be processed electronically. Wright’s SB909 would require employers to get written consent before…
Category: Laws
Italy’s Government Tries To Limit Wiretap Powers
NPR had more detail on the situation in Italy re the proposed wiretap bill: In the name of protecting citizens’ privacy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is pushing a bill that would severely restrict police use of wiretaps and impose harsh jail terms on journalists who report the contents of bugged conversations. But free speech…
FISA – New Anti-Spam Bill Introduced
Canada has its own FISA bill, but unlike ours which concerns surveillance, the Canadian FISA stands for “Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act,” otherwise referred to as C-28 in the news this week. David Canton writes: Bill C-28 is the “Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act” or FISA. It is essentially the same as the “Electronic…
C-29: The Anti-Privacy Privacy Bill
Michael Geist calls C-29 the Anti-Privacy Privacy Bill. He writes, in part: Just over three years later, the government has introduced a bill that does little for Canadians’ privacy, while providing new exceptions for businesses and new powers for law enforcement (David Fraser has helpfully created a redline version of PIPEDA with the proposed changes). …