Video footage of primary pupils changing for PE [physical education] lessons has been seized by police after a protest by furious parents. Police were called to diffuse the row at the gates after mums and dads found pupils were filmed round the clock. There was no suggestion it was used inappropriately but police seized the…
Category: Surveillance
Two Battles Won: PATRIOT Reform AND State Secrets Reform Bills Pass House Committee
Kevin Bankston of EFF reports some good news in the House of Representatives: After a long two days of legislative battle, the House Judiciary Committee just finished its second day of debate on Chairman Conyers’ PATRIOT reform bill, HR 3845 (see our wrap-up of the first day). Thanks in no small part to those of…
Weld County and ACLU back in court
In a case that has been going on since last year, the Associated Press reports that The Colorado Supreme Court is hearing arguments about the legality of an identity theft investigation against hundreds of suspected illegal immigrants who were filing taxes, without having valid Social Security numbers. AP’s summary of the issue, however, is not…
House Committee Considers PATRIOT Reform (UPDATED)
Kevin Bankston of EFF updates us on the progress of Conyers’ PATRIOT renewal and reform bill, the USA Patriot Amendments Act of 2009 (HR 3845): The mark-up got off to a somewhat worrisome start when Chairman Conyers introduced a “manager’s amendment” making numerous changes to the bill to address concerns raised by the Obama Administration…