From EFF: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) urged the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today to preserve lawsuits challenging the government’s illegal mass surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans. In oral arguments today, EFF asked the court to block the government’s attempt to bury the suits with claims of state secrecy and an unconstitutional…
Category: U.S.
Another webcam claim settled in Lower Merion
John P. Martin reports: The Lower Merion School District has agreed to pay $10,000 to a teen secretly recorded by his school-issued laptop, the fourth settlement with a student since the webcam scandal broke last year. The school board approved the payout at its meeting Monday night, spokesman Doug Young said. Lower Merion paid more…
Google Sued in Massachusetts for Scanning Emails Sent To Gmail Account
Lisa Branco writes about a lawsuit that may be interesting to follow: A Massachusetts woman filed a class action suit in Mass. state court against Google on July 29, alleging that Google violated Massachusetts’ wiretap law by scanning messages she sent from her AOL account to recipients’ Gmail accounts. Massachusetts is one of several states…
Future TSA: Track All ‘Daily Travels To Work, Grocery Stores & Social Events’
Ms. Smith writes: While the TSA can’t explain why invasive patdowns without probable cause are legal, that isn’t stopping TSA from future plans to track all your daily travels, anywhere you go, from work, to stores, or even when you go out to play. Read more on Network World. Thanks to the reader who sent…