Using the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre as its justification, the Obama administration has recently given the psychiatric business and pharmaceutical industry a major gift by quietly introducing a behavioral and mental health program in public schools throughout the United States. The maneuver was initially laid out on January 16, 2013 in President Obama’s executive…
Category: Youth & Schools
Alabama school district paid an ex-FBI agent $157K to monitor students on social media
Joanna Rothkopf reports: Last year, in an effort to improve security, the Huntsville City School district paid an ex-FBI agent Chris McRae $157,000 to monitor the social media activity of its 24,000 students. The effort was part of a program called SAFe, Students Against Fear, where students and faculty could file anonymous tips to McRae who would…
Personalized Learning Pits Data Innovators Against Privacy Advocates
Benjamin Herold reports: How long should vendors be allowed to maintain and use the information they collect about school children? The question cuts to the heart of the tensions that define the digital learning revolution now underway, said Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, a professor of Internet governance and regulation at England’s Oxford University. “Big” educational data, new…
Official claims University released student emails to politicians
Angie DeWitt reports: Despite official denials, West Virginia University shared student email addresses in bulk form with politicians competing in the 2012 general election according to several insider sources, and some candidates may be using those emails in their 2014 races. Both Republican and Democratic parties in West Virginia requested and obtained WVU student email…