Could being involved in Facebook privacy brouhahas hurt any political ambitions you might have? Marisa Lagos reports on how Chris Kelly’s past involvement as Facebook’s chief privacy officer may have a downside in his candidacy for Attorney General of California:
Attorney general hopeful Chris Kelly, until recently a Facebook executive, has an impressive resume and has already poured $4 million of his own money into a crowded primary race against several better-known Democrats.
That kind of cash automatically makes Kelly, a relative unknown to voters, a formidable candidate – but name recognition may not be his only challenge. Kelly, who was Facebook’s chief privacy officer until resigning last month to campaign, was often the face of the popular technology company during many of its high-profile flaps involving privacy issues – from criticism over how the site protects minors from sexual predators to controversy over collecting user data without consent, a practice that was later eliminated.
Read more in the San Francisco Chronicle.