Tom Barton reports:
Humboldt’s police chief has been suspended over allegations that he improperly used driver’s license and criminal history information available only to law enforcement officials.
City Administrator Lorie Bennett on Friday confirmed that state crime agents have launched an investigation of Police Chief Matthew Dominick, who was suspended Monday for up to 30 days. Officials expect the criminal probe to take up to a month.
[Humboldt Mayor Walter] Jensen said Dominick “released information about someone’s driving history and details of a person’s criminal history that he shouldn’t have.”
“He misused some information that he obtained through the law enforcement center. With the right-to-privacy act, that prohibits him from releasing information to people not in law enforcement,” Jensen said. “We’re following our city rules for misuse of information.”
Read more in the Des Moines Register.
Hat-tip, Injustice News