Islamic Jurisprudence on Harm Versus Harm Scenarios in Medical Confidentiality Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin HEC Forum 2023 Abstract Although medical confidentiality is widely recognized as an essential principle in the therapeutic relationship, its systematic and coherent practice has been an ethically challenging duty upon healthcare providers due to various concerns of clinical, moral, religious, social, ethical…
Electronic Court Filings Are a Privacy Nightmare
A commentary by Sanford F. Young begins: Most courts of law have finally entered the computer age. Until recently, every case produced a mountain of papers that were eventually physically archived deep in the subterranean bowels of a courthouse. Now many courts require lawsuits to be filed online, where court papers are archived on publicly…
Alex Jones lawyer’s license is suspended for releasing sensitive records
Maya Yang reports: A judge has suspended the license of a lawyer who was representing Alex Jones when the attorney appeared to have accidentally released sensitive court records surrounding the defamation lawsuits after the Sandy Hook school killings that the notorious conspiracy theorist lost. In a court order that she issued on Thursday, Connecticut judge Barbara Bellis suspended New…
Startling 96% of School Tech Exposes Student Data, Research Finds
Mark Keierleber reports: Each school day, students nationwide are required to log into thousands of digital platforms to complete homework, chat with their teachers and check their grades. Then, without their knowledge, an overwhelming majority of those tools turn around and share their data with third parties — often for profit. A resounding 96% of…