Taiwan – To catch a cheating partner with help from private investigators, be careful to follow the law or the police will go after you instead of the cheater. A woman and her accomplices were arrested for violating the law for privacy protection by hiring private detectors to unlawfully install bugs on her spouse’s vehicle…
ACLU launches Demand Your dotRights web site
The ACLU of Northern California has launched a new web site, Demand Your DotRights. The site provides an overview video about online privacy, news, and some action alerts. One of the action alerts involves sending a message to Google about reader privacy and Google Book Search. The template message asks for four protections: 1) Protection…
Protecting Offline Privacy
Emily Steel of the Wall Street Journal previews a House hearing on offline and online data collection and targeted advertising practices: …. In recent years, marketers have grown more adept at culling consumer data from an array of online and offline sources—including real-estate and motor-vehicle records, consumer surveys, credit-card data and logs of Web visitors’…
Newspaper editor snitches on a commenter
An online editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has generated a lot of criticism for snitching about vulgar online comments to the commenter’s employer. Jacqui Cheng writes on Ars Technica: Internet commenters aren’t generally known for their eloquence and impeccable manners. Still, people’s tasteless little one-offs are relatively harmless most of the time—until the comment…