The wire services are reporting that the Supreme Court has denied certiorari in an appeal filed by IMS Health and Verispan. The companies were appealing a New Hampshire law that protects physicians’ prescription-writing data from data-mining companies that ana collect, analyze and sell that information to boost drug sales. The companies argued that the law…
Warrantless wiretaps fly under Canada’s radar
Surveillance issues are becoming more of a hot topic in Canada these days. Today, CBC News reports there have been at least 267 cases between 2000 and 2008 where major police forces across the country used warrantless wiretaps. Apart from the story, it’s interesting to read the comments on the story as the posters are…
BCTF violated students’ privacy rights
The British Columbia Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has ruled that the B.C. Teachers’ Federation violated student privacy by submitting names of special needs students to their union representative or school principal, according to
Spy society: astonishing amount of personal data
Have you ever been tempted to try to find out what information about you is out there in databases? Matt Roper did just that, and sent out requests under the UK’s Data Protection Act to 46 organizations, requesting copies of all of his information. What he got back was a 2-foot high pile of records…