A silicon chip in your Viagra pack reports back to Pfizer on how much you took, and when. You fetch the last Coke from your chip-tagged fridge and your TV airs a Pepsi ad. Your phone company combs your trash for the chips you’ve cast off, selling the data it finds to marketers. And when…
Scots seek end to £1bn ID card plans
The Scottish Government have demanded an end to the identity card scheme. They have urged newly-appointed Home Secretary Alan Johnson to cancel the £1.1billion UK-wide project. Holyrood Community Safety Minister Fergus Ewing said: “Given the current financial climate, I believe the UK Government should have better uses for the vast sums of money being spent…
Employer online monitoring meets resistance
[…] Deloitte LLP’s 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey, released in May, found a big gap between employers and employees on whether businesses should be able to monitor Internet behavior off the clock. Sixty percent of the business executives surveyed said they had a right to know how their organizations were portrayed by employees in online…
Congress delays debate on gay ban
Congress seems intent on delaying any debate on repealing the military’s ban on open service by gays until next year. As the House passed its version of the 2010 defense authorization bill, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee talked about having hearings later this year on the possible repeal of the so-called “don’t…