During a Defense Department briefing, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen talked about the importance of utilizing Twitter, Facebook and other on-line social networking media to communicate information of national importance. From C-Span, via YouTube:
Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Identity Theft Charge Against Christopher Baron
The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a decision today …. [that] allows the Jefferson County District Attorney to proceed with identity theft charges against Christopher Baron. According to the criminal complaint, Christopher Baron hacked into the work computer of his boss, Emergency Medical Services Director Mark Fisher, and sent several e-mails that he found in Mr….
No more Clear sailing through airport security
TechCrunch reports that Clear, the Registered Traveler program that enabled passengers to pay exorbitant amounts of money just to breeze through airport security checks, has ceased operations. The parent company, Verified Identity Pass, Inc.. was reportedly unable to negotiate a deal with its biggest creditor. So now what happens to all the sensitive personal information…
Fight over German filtering law sends MP into Pirate Party
After seeing Swedish voters send the Pirate Party to the European Parliament, the German branch of the group has now gotten a seat in the lower house of that nation’s parliament, the Bundestag. But the seat didn’t come about through an electoral triumph; instead a member of the Social Democrats, Jörg Trauss, changed allegiances, claiming…