Christopher Wolf and Jules Polonetsky write:
Modern democracies agree that the issue must be addressed, but the path to agreement is rough. This may describe the current political situation in the Middle East, but it also describes the conundrum of a global framework to protect the personal information of individuals in an increasingly technological age. All sides recognize that personal privacy is exposed in ways never before seen, but what legal framework is best to ensure responsible data practices is open to great debate.
This week, in Jerusalem, regulators and policy-makers from around the world are meeting to discuss the best way to fix the world’s increasing privacy problems. There will be no disagreement over the technological threats to privacy. But disagreement is likely on what framework is best to improve individual privacy protections in this technological age. In the EU and in Israel, the preferred legal framework is an across-the-board privacy law for all data, while the US takes a more focused, harms-based approach to the protection of privacy
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