At a time when concerns about the privacy and security of electronic health records are a hot topic and the issue of private vs. public health insurance is making the front pages, a lawsuit filed by a former Kaiser employee alleges that Kaiser knowingly and repeatedly violated HIPAA, exposed millions of members to identity theft,…
And you thought a prescription was private
More than 10 years after she tried without success to have a baby, Marcy Campbell Krinsk is still receiving painful reminders in her mail. The ads and promotions started after she bought fertility drugs at a pharmacy in San Diego. […] Like many other people, Ms. Krinsk thought that her prescription information was private. But…
Riverside County Regional Medical Center sued
A patient who sought treatment last year from Riverside County Regional Medical Center has filed an estimated $1 million claim against Riverside County and the hospital that claims a facility employee revealed her medical information without her consent. Tiffany Collins, 26, discovered the information breach earlier this year when she ran into a former classmate…