The Canadian House of Commons in April introduced a bill to create the Electronic Commerce Protection Act (ECPA) (ECPA)—Canada’s version of the U.S. CAN-SPAM legislation, with some significant differences. The bill seeks not only to cut down on spam but also addresses phishing, spyware and unsolicited text messages. It also lays out penalties for spamming,…
Tag: spam
Court orders spammers to give up $3.7 million
A U.S. district court has ordered key players in an international spam ring to give up $3.7 million that they made by sending out illegal e-mail messages pitching bogus hoodia weight-loss products and a “human growth hormone” pill they claimed reversed the aging process. In a Federal Trade Commission law enforcement action, the court found…
Alan Ralsky back in court, pleads guilty
Notorious spammer Alan Ralsky was back in court to plead guilty to charges of fraud by manipulating Chinese stock prices by using spam emails. The Associated Press has the story. Update: The USDOJ press release can be found here (pdf).