Olympia Meola reports from Virginia:
Gov. Bob McDonnell has signaled that he is open to the domestic use of unmanned aircraft in law enforcement, triggering concern from a civil-liberties group about the threat to privacy posed by drones soaring through American skies.
McDonnell broached the issue last week in response to a question asked during a monthly radio appearance, but the use of drones by state police does not appear imminent.
McDonnell was asked about the domestic use of drones Tuesday during a monthly appearance on “Ask the Governor” on WTOP radio in Washington.
“I think it’s great,” he said. “I think we ought to be using technology to make law enforcement more productive, (it) cuts down on manpower in the air, and also (is) more safe. That’s why we use it on the battlefield.”
He said the use of that technology has not reached his desk, and added that there could be a need to address civil liberty concerns over privacy .
Read more on Richmond Times-Dispatch.
And we know that there are never problems on the battlefield, right?
And what does he man that there “could be” a need to address civil liberty concerns. Why doesn’t he recognize it as a definite need?