Paul Szoldra reports:
If you happen to be one of the 400 million people who use Google’s Gmail service for sending and receiving emails, you shouldn’t have any expectation of privacy, according to a court briefing obtained by the Consumer Watchdog website.
In a motion filed last month by Google to have a class action complaint dismissed, Google’s lawyers reference a 1979 ruling, holding that people who turn over information to third parties shouldn’t expect that information to remain private.
Read more on Business Insider.
So is this a lot of faux outrage over Google citing the obvious to defend itself in litigation? Perhaps, but wouldn’t we hope Google would be out front protecting privacy and arguing that users do not give up all expectations of privacy in using services like Gmail? Well, it turns out they did:
Update: Read No, Google did not say that there is no privacy in Gmail
Update 2: Here’s an even better rebuttal to false claims about what Google really argued in its brief.