Cindy Carcamo reports:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has crafted a sophisticated surveillance dragnet designed to spy on most people living in the United States, without the need for warrants and many times circumventing state privacy laws, such as those in California, according to a two-year investigation released Tuesday by the Georgetown Law Center on Privacy & Technology.
Read more at Los Angeles Times. h/t,
Related: ICE Has Spent $2.8 Billion on Surveillance Tech Since 2008: Report. h/t, Joe Cadillic
Let me get this … California is mad that data it sells to companies is being bought by the USGovt too?
There’s an easy fix. Stop selling the data and make it illegal for companies to sell data to anyone. Then the US govt won’t be buying it.
Some good could come from this regardless of the ICE part of the story.
DMV records shouldn’t be public or sold, unless the individual specifically requests it.