and we think you should stop. Thanks to Joe Cadillic who sent in this link.
Justice Dept. to defend warrantless cell phone tracking
Nice recap by Declan McCullagh of a case being argued in the Fifth Circuit today: The Obama administration will tell federal judges in New Orleans today that warrantless tracking of the location of Americans’ mobile devices is perfectly legal. Federal prosecutors are planning to argue that they should be able to obtain stored records revealing the minute-by-minute…
Why Facebook’s Argument Against Privacy For Minors Is Doomed
Dave Copeland argues that Facebook’s First Amendment objections to strengthening COPPA are “weak, self-serving, and bound to fail.” Facebook had submitted a letter arguing that because the Commission’s proposal would “restrict the ability of users who are 13 years old or older to ‘Like,’ comment on, or recommend the websites or services on which those plugins are integrated,…
Apple iOS 6 and Privacy
G.S. Hans and Joseph Lorenzo Hall of CDT write: When iOS 6 was released last week, the “big news” was Apple’s decision to drop Google Maps. In the uproar that followed, iOS 6’s privacy features received little fanfare, despite receiving amajor overhaul. Many changes CDT has advocated for—including giving users more control over tracking and increasing the visibility of and…