The lifecentral group announced the immediate availability of the world’s first lifestyle database yesterday. The system allows any Internet user to reveal previously undiscoverable correlations between his or her activities, meals, moods, medications, and more.
Lifecentral, available at, provides users with an easy-to-use and intuitive interface for entering data about every aspect of their lives. In just five minutes per day, a user can enter everything he or she has done, eaten, felt, and taken during that day. After a sufficient amount of data has been entered, users can then produce reports to examine correlations between aspects of their lives that they had previously been unable to discover. These correlations are often more precise than the generalized advice offered by medical professionals that is not tailored to a person’s unique physiology.
Read more on Westmoreland Times.
I really did check a few times to see if this was an April Fool’s joke.